fish-book Lundin


fish-book Lundin

A boring, repetitive, non-rewarding job just for a living and surrounded by bad mood colleagues, who has not once lived this kind of situation?

Facing this you can adopt two kinds of behavior:

  • resignation “I am happy enough to have a job; I have loans and I’m not sure to find an equivalent salary elsewhere, etc. ”
  • react: ”the job itself I cannot change it but how can I change the way to do it as well as the environment in which it is done?”.

In the book ”FISH”, a collective of authors proposes ways to carry out the reaction mentioned above. Using as an example a fish market the authors encourage us to reflect on a number of themes:

  • I can choose my attitude: being optimistic or pessimistic relies only on me
  • whatever it is, you can always practice your job more or less playfully by being attentive to others and available to exchanges and conviviality etc.

If FISH is not a book of ” recipes ” it gives tracks that allow you to regain control of how you want to live your professional life.

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